Independent Light Study

Silver Walls vs. White Walls:
How the interior walls affect your Indoor Garden Solution

Unbeknownst to us at HDG, a preeminent light company Scynce LDG purchased a Gorilla 4×4 tent (Gorilla’s interior walls use metallic silver material), and an HDG/HighDroGro 4×4 (HDG uses white matte finished interior walls) to study the performance of their lights in two different environments. Scynce contacted us with their published findings which are posted here.

We also provide here the inputs of our engineer Larry Smolenski who had encouraged our use of white walls during our tent design phase. Larry stated, “Reflective materials like aluminum foil are often used in Indoor grow rooms to make better use of indoor grow lights by reflecting more light back at your plants – but which reflective option is best?

It's important for any indoor grower to maximize on the power of their grow lights. Indoor grow lights have gotten insanely bright over the years and this has enabled growers to provide their plants with an abundance of light. However, using white walls, you can make your grow lights seem even brighter and more powerful without actually increasing the amount of electricity you use. Proper reflection of the walls near your plants, and a great hood/reflector will bounce the light from your indoor grow lights back at your plants instead of letting all the light that hits the sides be absorbed. In fact, proper reflection can get up to 30% more light to your plants! 

This is all without changing anything else about your setup. No extra electricity, just 30% more light! As you probably know, light is what most plants use to make energy and light is what powers the growth of your plants and buds.

White absorbs a lot of heat without reflecting it back into the room (which would require more venting / cooling to keep heat down) and white walls are easier to clean since dirt or pests will show up visually. The textured white walls of the HDG/HIGHDROGRO tent offer proper dispersion to avoid “hot spots” to your plants. A silver or aluminum foil wall will directly reflect light (and hot spots) back to the plants potentially burning some of the bud as well will reflect too much heat back causing you to have higher energy bills due to the need for more cooling.

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Indoor Garden Grow Tents
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Click here to see why we designed our Grow Tents the way we did!

Choosing Your Grow Tent
Click here to see how to approach your Grow Tent for your needs

White vs. Metallic
Click here to learn why the science is on our side!